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Numismatické listy 2011/1-4

Dana Křepelová - 11/2/2013 10:19 - Numismatické listy

Obsah Numismatických listů ročníku 2011 vč. abstraktů a klíčových slov.

Numismatické listy

Obsah čísla 2011/1

Jiří Militký
Nepublikovaný typ jihobavorského keltského ¼ statéru ze sbírky numismatického oddělení Národního muzea
Unpublished type of the south Bavarian Celtic ¼ stater from the numismatic department of the National Museum. 3

Jiří Hána
Dvě neznámé opisové varianty pražského groše Václava II.
Two unknown varieties of the Prague grossi struck under Wenceslas II. differing in their marginal legends. 9

Vojtěch Brádle
Doplněk k nálezu pražských grošů v Náchodě z roku 1928
Addition to the find of Prague grossi from Náchod (in 1928). 13

Jan Boublík
Správa královských financí ve středověku. Několik poznámek k době poděbradské
Administration of royal finance in the Middle Ages. Some remarks on the George of Poděbrady era. 17

Petr Vorel
Slezský vládní haléř z vratislavské mincovny z roku 1532
Silesian government heller struck in the Breslau mint in 1532. 27

Vlastimil Novák, Jan Videman
Nález zlomku osmanské stříbrné pozlacené mince od Vrchoslavic (okr. Prostějov)
Find of fragment of an Ottoman gilded silver coin near Vrchoslavice (Prostějov district). 36

Jiří Boháč
Zlaté ražby Josefa Šejnosta (1878–1941). K 70. výročí úmrtí významného českého medailéra a sochaře
Gold medals by Josef Šejnost (1878–1941). Contribution to the 70th death anniversary of the important Czech medal designer and sculptor. 4


Obsah čísla 2011/2

Jan Videman
Příspěvek k výskytu moravských denárů v Polabí na počátku 12. století
Contribution to appearance of the Moravian deniers in the Elbe valley at the beginning of the 12th century. 51

Petr Vorel
Nález anglického půlšilinku z roku 1569 u obce Blato na Pardubicku
Find of an English half-shilling struck in 1569 from the Pardubice region. 63

Pavel Vojtíšek
Neznámý dvoutolar Rudolfa II. z pražské mincovny. Poznámky a otázky k ražbě hrubé mince na přelomu 16. a 17. století
An unknown double-thaler struck under Rudolph II in the Prague mint. Notes and questions raised by production of trade coins at the break of the 16th and 17th century. 7

Jiří Ryant
Emise a oběh nouzových peněžních poukázek ve městě Mšeně v roce 1849. Příspěvek k historii peněžního oběhu v regionálním měřítku
Issue and circulation of emergency vouchers in Mšeno in 1849. Contribution to the history of monetary circulation in regional scale. 73

Jiří Boháč
Životní cesta a dílo Zdeňka Šejnosta
Life and work of Zdeněk Šejnost (1921–2002). 91

Jiří RYANT, Nouzové peněžní poukázky v Českých zemích v letech 1848–1850. Příspěvek k ekonomické charakteristice; (Jan BOUBLÍK). 95


Obsah čísla 2011/3

Jiří Militký
Nový typ bójského statéru
A new type of the Boian staters. 99

Federico Gambacorta, Roman Zaoral
Akvilejské mince ve sbírce Národního muzea
Aquileian coins in the collection of the National Museum. 105

Jiří Hána, Ladislav Tomek
Tajné značky na pražských groších Václava II.?
Secret marks on the Prague grossi struck under Wenceslas II? 113

Tomáš Jeřábek
Neznámá varianta pražského groše Jana Lucemburského
An unknown variety of the Prague grossus struck under John of Luxembourg. 16

Lukáš Kučera
Dvě dobová falza pražských grošů Karla IV. nalezená na území bývalého Litevského velkoknížectví
Two contemporary forgeries of the Prague grossi struck under Charles IV found in the territory of the former Lithuanian Grand-Duchy. 119

Pavel Hampl, Tomáš Smělý
Několik zajímavých pražských grošů Vladislava II. Jagelonského.
Poznámky k chronologii Some interesting Prague grossi struck under Vladislaus II Jagiello. Notes on chronology. 123

Lukáš Richtera
Netradiční doklad přeražby kremnického krejcaru z roku 1782
Unconventional evidence of over-striking in the case of the Kremnica kreuzer struck in 1782. 131

Emil Novák
Anomálie pražského tolaru rakouského císaře Františka I. z roku 1809
Anomaly of the Prague thaler struck under the Austrian Emperor Franz I in 1809. 135

Petr VOREL, Stříbro v evropském peněžním oběhu 16.–17. století (1472–1717); (Tomáš KREJČÍK). 139
Kronika peňazí na Slovensku od najstarších čias do roku 2009, ed. Eva KOLNÍKOVÁ; (Eduard ŠIMEK). 142
Lubomír NEMEŠKAL – Petr VOREL, Dějiny jáchymovské mincovny a katalog ražeb I. 1519/1520–1620; (Luboš POLANSKÝ). 143

Niebezpieczne fałszerstwa groszy Wacława II; (Zbigniew BARTKOWIAK). 144


Obsah čísla 2011/4

Michal Mašek
Mince parthského krále Andragora
Coins of the Parthian King Andragoras. 147

Marek Budaj, Jiří Militký
Nálezy římských mincí z Jalšové. K problematice výskytu římských zlatých ražeb ze 2. poloviny 1. století na Slovensku
Finds of Roman coins from Jalšová and Senec. Contribution to appearance of the gold Roman coins of the second half of the 1st century in Slovakia. 151

Václav Štor
Monetární reforma sultána Muhammad. Příspěvek k dějinám Dillí ve 14. století
Monetary reform of Sultan Muhammad. Contribution to history of Delhi in the 14th century. 158

Juliana Boublíková-Jahnová
Krušnohorské medaile s příběhem římského hrdiny Marca Curtia
A medal from the Ore Mountains with story of the Roman hero Marcus Curtius. 162

Zdeněk Fišer
Sochař Josef Šejnost a nerealizovaná medaile Jozefa Škultétyho
Sculptor Josef Šejnost and his unissued medal of Jozef Škultéty. 171

Petr Šimek
Pamětní mince vydané v roce 2011
Commemorative coins issued in 2011. 179

Michal MAŠEK, Encyklopedie řecko-baktrijských a indo-řeckých panovníků z pohledu jejich mincí; (Andrea NÁMEROVÁ). 186
Dresdner Numismatische Hefte 6. Münzfunde aus Böhmen und Sachsen, herausgegeben vom Numismatischen Verein zu Dresden e. V. und dem Münzkabinett Dresden; (Petr SCHNEIDER). 187
Zdeněk KOLÁŘSKÝ, Mezi orlem a pannou. Výběr z díla českého sochaře a medailéra; (Petr VOREL). 189

Mezinárodní numismatická konference Peníze v proměnách času VIII. Mincovnictví a měnové vztahy ve střední Evropě od nejstarší doby do vlády Josefa II.; (Jan T. ŠTEFAN). 190

Cyklus numismatických přednášek v Národním muzeu v roce 2011; (redakce). 192

Program numismatických přednášek v Národním muzeu na rok 2012; (redakce). 192

Abstrakty a klíčová slova
Abstracts and Key word

Unpublished type of the south Bavarian Celtic ¼ stater from the numismatic department of the National Museum
The south Bavarian region represents a very important segment of the central European Celtic coinage. The typology of the Vindelic coinage  has been surveyed by H.-J. Kellner. The author classified 13 basic groups of gold staters and ¼ staters with many varieties. But the ¼ staters have been evidently struck in clearly smaller numbers compared to the staters. The main reason for this article was publication of the unknown type of ¼ stater (no. A 1). Its provenance is unknown as well as its potential belonging to a coin collection. The newly described ¼ stater clearly represents the small denomination of the classified staters of the IIA type. In 1996, another ¼ stater piece appeared in Zürich Leu auction (Fig. 1). Two other interesting types of ¼ staters (Figs. 2–3) are related to the stater group II, and they enrich the denomination spectrum of the south Bavarian gold denominations. Two other Vindelic ¼ staters (nos. A2–A3) preserved in the numismatic department of the National Museum were published in this article.

Vindelics; ¼ stater; unknown type; south Bavaria [D].

Two unknown varieties of the Prague grossi struck under Wenceslas II differing in their marginal legends
Two unpublished varieties of the Prague grossi stuck under Wenceslas II differing in the marginal legend are discussed. The first coin has the mirror-like letter ‘N’ in the word ‘PRAGENSES’ in its reverse marginal legend. The second coin lacks a diagonal connection in the ‘N’ letter in the king’s name in the inner obverse marginal legend.

Prague grossus; new variety; Wenceslas II (1278–1305).

Addition to the find of Prague grossi from Náchod (in 1928)
In 1928, a large hoard of the Prague grossi (about 1500 coins) buried in a clay vessel was found during digging of foundations of the Municipal Saving Bank in Náchod. In spite of the fact that the vast majority of the hoard found the way to the Náchod Museum, a smaller part of the hoard was disintegrated. Some five pieces – evidently from the Náchod hoard – were deposited in the old section of the numismatic collection of the Museum of East Bohemia in Hradec Králové. Four of them represent coins struck under Charles IV and one grossus was produced under Wenceslas IV. These coins do not bring any new view of the hoard, but they illustrate well its content.

find; Prague grossus; Náchod [CZ].

Administration of royal finance in the Middle Ages.Some remarks on the George of Poděbrady era
The royal administration of finance was covered by large number of officials, who also served – with exception for finance – in the judicial, political and diplomatic fields. Their agenda sometimes overran their duty in the financial sphere, because it has not been fully independent
among other sorts of the state administration up to the 15th century. The Bohemian chamber created by Ferdinand of Habsburg in 1527 was the really first bureaucratic and distinctive financial office in the Czech lands. The mint-master’s office had a specific history, represented in the 1460s by Zdeněk Kostka of Postupice, a friend of George of Poděbrady. In 1462, a new titulature (parallelly with the old one) was introduced, and Kostka was called as “the Mint-master of the Bohemian Kingdom”. After the death of Zdeněk in October 1468, the name of the office was changed again in favour of the old and traditional title “the Mintmaster in Kuttenberg”. Such a sudden change has not been clearly explained up to date.

administration of finance; mint-master; George of Poděbrady (1458–1471).

Silesian government heller struck in the Breslau mint in 1532
A brief survey is presented describing four historical phases when the King Ferdinand tried to introduce production of common government coins in Breslau (Silesia) in 1532–1561. The formal image of the really struck Silesian coins resulted from controversy of interests of the Silesian estates, business activities of the particular mint-master and economic-political efforts of Ferdinand I in introduction of the Austrian monetary system in the Bohemian Crown Lands. In this study, the main interest is focused on the beginning of existence of the Breslau government mint during the rule of Ferdinand I documented basically by minting instructions issued by the king for the mint-master Konrad Sauermann in 1532. The older specialized literature supposed the fact that the coin production has not started in Breslau at all and that the oldest Silesian government coins were represented by small pfennigs struck by the mint-master Krapp in 1540–1541. Based on comparison of the existing coins and written sources, an undated Silesian heller (previously regarded as a product of the mint-master Wetermaier after 1546) has been attributed as the oldest Silesian government coin struck under Ferdinand I during a short period by the mint-master Sauermann in Breslau since 1532.

heller; Konrad Sauermann – the mint-master; Breslau – mint; Silesia, 1532.

Find of fragment of an Ottoman gilded silver coin near Vrchoslavice (Prostějov district)
In 2010, one half of a silver gilded coin was found single near Vrchoslavice (Prostějov district). Its prototype corresponds with an Ottoman gold denomination sultani struck under the Sultan Selim II (AH 974–982/ AD 1566–1574). The enthronization date was identified, but the name of the ruler and mint-name is located out of the preserved area. The XRFA analysis confirmed solid silver basis and process of gilding in fire. No such Ottoman gilded silver coin has been reported from Central Europe up to date. With high probability, the fake is connected with serious need of gold during the Thirty Years War (and the period closely after that), and it is very likely of the local (Central European) provenance.

single find; gilded silver coin; fake; Ottoman period; Selim II (AH 974–982/ AD 1566–1574); sultani; Thirty Years War.

Gold medals by Josef Šejnost (1878–1941). Contribution to the 70th death anniversary of the important Czech medal designer and sculptor
In 2011, seventy years passed from the death of the excellent and among collectors beloved medal designer and sculptor Josef Šejnost. The article should commemorate this jubilee by a small note about his gold medals, plus their new actualized and confirmed list covering all newly discovered details connected with these rarities.

medals; Josef Šejnost (1878–1941); medal designer; sculptor; anniversary.

Contribution to appearance of the Moravian deniers in the Elbe valley at the beginning of the 12th century
The hoard of deniers of the beginning of the 12th century found near Nymburk was buried probably before AD 1118. This hoard enriches the number of hoards of deniers from the Elbe valley containing the Moravian issues. The find used to consist of 44 deniers – 33 pieces struck under Břetislav II, Bořivoj II, Svatopluk and Vladislav I, plus 10 pieces struck under Otto II the Black and one unattributed Polish denier of Boleslav II the Brave. The Moravian part of the hoard is very important – the coins represent mostly rare issues, five totally unknown types inclusive.

Moravian denier; hoard; the Elbe valley [CZ].

Find of an English half-shilling struck in 1569 from the Pardubice region
The text documents the recent find of an English half-shilling (sixpence) struck in 1569 found in the field belonging to the land register of the Blato village, near Pardubice. Find of an English coin struck in the 16th century is extraordinary in the Bohemian milieu, because such coins were not a part of the local monetary circulation. Piercing of the coin points to the commemorative function of the piece, and the coin obviously came to Bohemia as a souvenir brought there via gallant or study journeys to England during the Elizabethan era.

find; Elizabeth I (1558-1602); half-shilling; 1569; Blato; Pardubice region [CZ]; England [GB].

An unknown double-thaler struck under Rudolph II in the Prague mint. Notes and questions raised by production of trade coins at the break of the 16th and 17th century
An unknown double-thaler struck under Rudolph II in the Prague mint is analyzed in this article. The coin logically fits the year series of the MKČ 308 (Ja 50) type. This type of the Lasanz double-thaler is possibly the most usual one, and it was struck probably from the MKČ 313 (Ja 41) thaler dies. Analogically, also other ‘missing’ years of some thaler issues struck under Rudolph II could be detected (e.g. MKČ 312, MKČ 307). More detailed iconographic analysis of the thaler and double-thaler issues of that period can bring several (interesting?) questions dealing with cooperation of Bohemian and Silesian mints and the short-term activities of Dietrich Busso in the Rudolph’s coinage.
double-thaler; Prague mint; Rudolph II (1576–1611); 1607; new type.

Issue and circulation of emergency vouchers in Mšeno in 1849. Contribution to the history of monetary circulation in regional scale
The long-term political and economic crisis in the Austrian monarchy in 1848-1850 caused thesaurization of coins made of precious metal, later on, of all currency issued by the state. The businessmen and tradesmen in Bohemia issued their own emergency vouchers. In Mšeno (central Bohemia), the local tradesman František Kabrna issued such vouchers in 1849. Their printing characteristics have been analyzed, and the later utilization of unused voucher plates has been studied. Also an unique written record describing circulation of the vouchers in closer and distant localities of Mšeno in 1849 has been presented.

emergency vouchers; 1849; Mšeno [CZ].

Life and work of Zdeněk Šejnost (1921–2002)
A sculptor, conservator and medal designer Zdeněk Šejnost, the younger son of Josef Šejnost (1878–1941) – the sculptor and medal designer, was born in Prague on September 28, 1921. In 2011, we would celebrate his 90th birthday. He inherited his artistic talent from his father. He died in Telč on April 24, 2002, on his age of almost 81.

Zdeněk Šejnost (1921–2002); conservator; sculptor; medal designer; anniversary.

A new type of the Boian staters
A new type of the Boian stater appeared in the numismatic trade in 2003. The finding place is unknown. The coin is iconographically unclear – possibly a stylized head to left on obverse and torques on reverse. The coin obviously comes from the Bohemian territory, possibly older phase of the Bohemian oppidi, but it was with high probability produced outside the circulation territory of these coins. Concerning the absolute dating, it was possibly struck sometimes during the second third of the 2nd century BC. The mentioned coin type interestingly enriches the series of the Boian coinage.

the Boians; stater; unknown type.

Aquileian coins in the collection of the National Museum
The medieval coins of the Aquileian patriarchy from the collection of the National Museum in Prague are discussed. The authors focused their interest mainly on the coins struck under the Luxembourgs: the deniers bearing lion on their obverse and floriated cross on their reverse produced under Nicholas of Luxembourg (Niccolò di Lussemburgo, 1350–1358), stepbrother of the Roman King and Emperor Charles IV, and two coin types struck under John Soběslav (Giovanni di Moravia, 1387–1394), son of the Moravian Margrave John Henry. The dernier with the Moravian eagle as a symbol referring to the historical origin is regarded by the authors as the older of the two types, dated before 1391. The other type with the Aquileian eagle – symbol of the Aquileian patriarchy – with helmet showing a military symbol is interpreted as a metaphorical image protecting Aquileia represented by the patriarch himself and connected with his conflict against the municipal patrician communities of Udine and Cividale.

patriarchy; deniers; the Luxembourgs; Aquileia [I]; Italy.

Secret marks on the Prague grossi struck under Wenceslas II?
Two Prague grossi struck under Wenceslas II with annulets in unusual marginal places are described. In the first case, a small annulet (ca 0.8 mm) is placed in the bottom part of the ‘W’ letter in the king’s name in the inner obverse marginal legend. In the second case, the same annulet is placed in the reverse of another grossus, between ‘the P’ letter and the ‘R’ letter of the word ‘PRAGENSES’. It is hard to speculate about meaning of the marks, but it is necessary to mention the fact, that they are not registered in literature.

secret marks; Prague grossus; Wenceslas II (1278–1305).

An unknown variety of the Prague grossus struck under John of Luxembourg
The author is presenting an unknown variety of the Prague grossus struck under John of Luxembourg which shows a mixture of dividing marks compared to several varietes of the Karel Castelin’s typology of legends on obverse and reverse. Based on these divison marks and other iconograhic features, the production period of this unkown variety is assumed between 1327 and 1340.

Prague grossus; unknown variety; John I of Luxembourg (1310–1346).

Two contemporary forgeries of the Prague grossi struck under Charles IV found in the territory of the former Lithuanian Grand-Duchy
Money has been forged for centuries in very different ways, but the reason has not changed at all. Two hoards of the Prague grossi brought evidence of forging activities during the grossi period, and two forgeries were registered there. The grossi struck under Charles IV were forged, and both hoards were discovered in the territory of the former Grand-Duchy of Lithuania. The coins came there via trade. The Prague grossi were attributed using the actual typology, and the burial date was analyzed. Both forgeries have been tested and non-destructive analysis of metal composition has been performed.

find; forgery; Prague grossus; Charles IV (1346–1378); Lithuania; Ukraine.

Some interesting Prague grossi struck under Vladislaus II Jagiello. Notes on chronology
In the case of the Prague grossi struck under Vladislaus II, the word GRACIA (instead of usual GRATIA) is rarely found in their obverse marginal legend. All grossi with GRACIA in their marginal legend are classified in the group dated in these days between 1477 and 1479. Because of some doubts about correctness of this dating, detailed chronological classification of the pieces with GRACIA in their marginal legend can offer important data for revision of chronology of the Prague grossi produced under Vladislaus II at the beginning of his rule. The very rare Prague grossus struck under Vladislaus II with mark of a quadruple annulet can demonstrate importance of detailed analysis of the coin image for chronology of these series. Identification of punch–marks used during the die production also plays an important role.

Prague grossus; chronology; Vladislaus II Jagiello (1469–1516).

Unconventional evidence of over-striking in the case of the Kremnica kreuzer struck in 1782
In the case of the kreuzer struck under Franz II in 1800, traces of the original coin was identified and attributed as a kreuzer struck under Joseph II in 1782 in the Kremnica mint. It is an unconventional evidence of over-striking.

over-struck; kreuzer; Joseph II (1765–1790); Franz II (1792–1835).

Anomaly of the Prague thaler struck under the Austrian Emperor Franz I in 1809
The article points at the interesting legend anomaly on the edge of the Prague conventional thaler. All conventional thalers and half-thalers struck under Franz I should have – disregarding their mint – the following inscription on their edge: IVSTITIA REGN FVNDAMENTVM. The only Prague thaler produced in 1809 has only FVNTAMENTVM on its edge. The author tried to find answers for the questions connected with the Czech grammar and the colloquial Czech.

thaler; edge legend; Franz I (1792–1835); variety.

Coins of the Parthian King Andragoras
Also generally unknown kings or revolting satraps issued coins in the territory of the Seleucid Kingdom during the unclear period of the wars of the diadochs. The Parthian satrap Andragoras was one of them. Only two denominations are known among his coins: gold stater (ca 8.48 g) and silver tetradrachm (ca 16.96 g). The freshly published unique obolus is regarded as suspect. This preliminary attribution resulted primarily from the finding place and iconographical analogies.

stater; tetradrachm; Andragoras (ca 250-238 BC); Tyche; Parthia.

Finds of Roman coins from Jalšová and Senec. Contribution to appearance of the gold Roman coins of the second half of the 1st century in Slovakia
Two groups of the Roman aurei and denarii from Jelšová and the surroundings of Senec are discussed. The exact finding specifications are not known, and the coins were documented via their photographs only. The pieces from Jalšová represent a group find evidently, but the coins from Senec could be regarded as single finds from the settlement. Three aurei from Jalšová represent the largest group of gold coins of the 1st century discovered in Slovakia up to date. These gold specimens significantly enrich information about intensity of circulation of the aurei in the territory of the Quadi.

Slovakia; the Germanic tribes; the Quadi; denarius; aureus.

Monetary reform of Sultan Muhammad. Contribution to history of Delhi in the 14th century
Sultan Muhammad of the Tughluq dynasty ruled Delhi in 1325–1351. During his reign, the sultanate reached its peak era – it controlled almost the whole Indian sub-continent. Sultan Muhammad was also famous because of his despotic acts which harmed the state. Besides his unsuccessful attempt in moving the capital to the place located some 1,200 km from there, he tried to introduce a monetary reform (started in 1329) which was expected to solve the financial problems of his treasury. Based on the sultan’s order, all coins made of precious metals
have been drawn from circulation, and they have been replaced by copper issues with the same nominal value of the previously circulated coins made of precious metals. The reform caused a breakdown of the Indian economy, and in 1332, the sultan had to re-introduce the monetary system based again on coins made of precious metals.

monetary reform; Muhammad Tughluq (1325–1351); India; Delhi.

A medal from the Ore Mountains with story of the Roman hero Marcus Curtius
Several medals from Joachimsthal (the Ore Mountains respectively) with story of the Roman hero Marcus Curtius are preserved in the numismatic department of the National Museum in Prague. They are different from the iconographic point of view, and they are all (with one
exception) typical by accenting the hero’s jump to the abyss as an act of sacrifice in Christian intentions and pointing at his bravery as an individual virtue in connection with the new humanistic view. The medals from the Ore Mountains with Marcus Curtius document the significant cultural standard of this area cultivated via reformers and humanists mainly in Joachimsthal (Johann Mathesius above all) and characterized by promoting Lutheran and Renaissance ideas.

medals; Marcus Curtius (+ 362 BC); Joachimsthal; the Ore Mountains; Renaissance; Humanism.

Sculptor Josef Šejnost and his unissued medal of Jozef Škultéty
The outstanding Czechoslovak medal designer Josef Šejnost (1878–1941) was very passionate in his relationship with Slovakia. In this way, he produced several medals connected with some extraordinary personalities of the Slovak origin, such as the Slovak politician M. R. Štefánik and the Slovak poet P. O. Hviezdoslav. But one of the author’s project remained unfinished. It was a commemorative medal dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof Jozef Škultéty (1853–1948), the organizer of the Slovak cultural and national life, the administrator of the Matice slovenská since 1919 who lived in Martin. Based on their friendly correspondence preserved in inheritance of both gentlemen, the author followed the beginnings of the project, its progress, and consequently, its unfinished final phase.

Josef Šejnost (1878–1941); Jozef Škultéty (1853–1948); unissued medal; correspondence, Slovakia.

Commemorative coins issued in 2011
The Czech National Bank issued seven coins in 2011. The following silver pieces were struck: 200th anniversary of the Prague conservatory opening, 100th anniversary of the first longdistance flight by Jan Kašpar, 500th birth anniversary of printer and publisher Jiří Melantrich of Aventinum, 400th death anniversary of Petr Vok of Rožmberk in denomination of 200 CZK and 200th birth anniversary of poet Karel Jaromír Erben in denomination of 500 CZK. Special issues in the series Bridges in the Czech Republic – a cycle of ten gold coins were represented by two emissions in denomination of 5,000 CZK: Gothic bridge in Písek and Renaissance bridge in Stříbro.

commemorative coins; Czech National Bank; 2011.

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29. 6. 2022 11:55


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